Et samarbeid for et grønnere og mer kompetativt Europa
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‘Short duration’ maritime kurs
Modell for online STCW kurs
Online STCW maritime kurs
Utvikle ferdighetene og kompetansene til maritimt personell som deltar på kurs
Utdanningspersonell og eksperter
Skape arena for kunnskapsdeling for profesjonelle i Portugal og Norge
Nasjonale og internasjonale arbeidsmøter
2 store internasjonale møter
12 korte møter
2 møter med politiske beslutningstakere
Skal delta på prosjektene og møtene
Recognition of the training offer by Portuguese and Norwegian policy bodies!
The short-duration training units and STCW courses are being analysed by National policy bodies for recognition and cotntinuous provision of the training in the two countries! The methodology behind the On The Wave project comprised the promotion of events and…
Are you ready to explore the products and results of the On The Wave project?
Having started in October 2021, the On The Wave project reveals to be a success and overcome the objectives defined in its beginning! The project has 27 months of duration, during which partners promoted a set of activities covering three…
How partners of the On The Wave celebrated the Portuguese National Day of the Sea on the 16th of November 2023!
How partners of the On The Wave celebrated the Portuguese National Day of the Sea on the 16th of November 2023! On the 16th of November of 2023, the consortium of the project celebrated the Portuguese National Day of the…