The national working group is being settled in Portugal!

The goal is to gather organizations, professionals and experts of the maritime sector in Portugal in these working groups!

On the 27th and 28th of October 2022, FOR-MAR and SPEA will host three online meetings to promote a debate between Portuguese maritime experts from different sectors to discuss the industry’s trends and map the competences needs of the industry’s workforce.

The working groups will focus on three central areas of knowledge and expertise:

  • information and communication technologies and electronics
  • environment and sustainability
  • language and communication

During the working group meetings is expected that each professional give his/her view on what needs and competences are lacking in maritime professionals.

These meetings will result in a framework which shows and describes the main competences mentioned. This framework will be the foundation to develop 6 – 8 short-duration training units (SDTU) (with 25 or 50 hours of duration) that will be implemented and validated on a national level. During the process of implementation, partners will assess the adequacy, relevance, versatility, and flexibility of the SDTU and also the potential of its integration at the European level.

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