Recognition of the training offer by Portuguese and Norwegian policy bodies!

Recognition of the training offer by Portuguese and Norwegian policy bodies!

The short-duration training units and STCW courses are being analysed by National policy bodies for recognition and cotntinuous provision of the training in the two countries! The methodology behind the On The Wave project comprised the promotion of events and meetings involving different stakeholders, including policymakers, with the aim of recognizing and certify the training…

Invitation to attend the webinar on Good Practices in whale and bird watching!

Invitation to attend the webinar on Good Practices in whale and bird watching!

The webinar will take place on the 13th of September 2023 from 18:30-19:30, it will be in Portuguese and promoted by SPEA – Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves in partnership with ICNF – Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas. The registrations are open to the general public (> 12 years old),…

Join the On The Wave Free Training Courses to Enhance Your Maritime Skills and Contribute to Ocean Protection!

Join the On The Wave Free Training Courses to Enhance Your Maritime Skills and Contribute to Ocean Protection!

The registration to attend the courses on Ocean Protection, Electronic Fishing Logbook, Marine English, Cetacean Observer, Electronic charts, and Basic digital skills safety are open to students and professionals from the maritime sector!

STCW training course: the contribution of On The Wave!

STCW training course: the contribution of On The Wave!

The consortium is designing 3 online training courses following the basic requirements established by the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), which will be available in September/2023! As for all other resources, for structuring these courses, the consortium engaged internal and external professionals and stakeholders in multiple sessions to…

Portuguese Catalogue of Qualification: the contribution of the On The Wave project!

Portuguese Catalogue of Qualification: the contribution of the On The Wave project!

One of the results of the project will be the short-duration training units for the capacity building of professionals from the maritime sector, suitable to be integrated in the National Catalogue of Qualification! These short-duration training units are being developed following a participatory approach, consisting of: As mentioned, three areas of competences were selected by…

On the Wave’s 2nd Transnational Project Meeting

On the Wave’s 2nd Transnational Project Meeting

The partnership of On the Wave, a project funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants and the Blue Growth programme, met in Matosinhos, Portugal on November 17th, 2022. The meeting had two main moments, one dedicated to the analysis of the activities carried out in the first year of the project and…

Training as a motto for the National Sea Day!

Training as a motto for the National Sea Day!

INOVA+, in partnership with For-Mar, SPEA and Simsea, held on November 16th of 2022, National Day of the Sea, the online seminar Capacity of Organizations and Professionals of the Maritime Sector. The initiative was part of On The Wave, a project financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants and the Blue Growth…

Convite para seminário online «Capacitação de Organizações e Profissionais do Setor Marítimo»!

Convite para seminário online «Capacitação de Organizações e Profissionais do Setor Marítimo»!

A INOVA+, em parceria com o For-Mar, SPEA e Simsea, promove, no próximo dia 16 de novembro de 2022, entre as 14h15m-16h00m, o seminário online Capacitação de Organizações e Profissionais do Setor Marítimo. A iniciativa insere-se no âmbito do On The Wave, projeto financiado pela Islândia, Liechtenstein e Noruega através dos EEA Grants e tem…